Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A4: Anatomical Lecture (B)

Rembrandt 1632 Anatomical Lecture
Painterly- Everything is blended-- the only real blocks of color are are the shadows of the black and even those are different shades of black
Recessional- There are clear levels because of the way the figures are arranged. The painting has depth.
Open- The mind is drawn to the concept of the room-- what does the rest of it look like?-- The figures are all coming in and out of the painting.
Multiplicity- This one is weird. It looks as if they could all come apart. Each of the figures is quite distinct from the next however, they are all sitting in one blob.
Absolute Clarity- An anatomy lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Open - Just to clarify, I think what makes it open if the movement of the figures. One figure is mostly chopped off on the right side. You really get the sense of a lecture hall with students milling about.

    Remember that "Open Form" is a more structural concept. You analysis was awesome but for this assignment we are sticking to the Wolfflin rules. You got a little bit into Clarity there.

    Clarity being mentioned, without the title what would you have assumed? I think that this is a transitional piece in regard to clarity. So, without the title imagine all of the questions that would arise. Where is his pointer? Why is this man dead on a table with many men milling about? Why is only his arm "pealed" back?

    Also take note of the clothes. The man presenting the cadaver seems fairly well-to-do. Interesting. What would you say about the man on the table? Do you think he was well to do?
